Acts | ISL-KJV Bible
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The Promise of the Holy Spirit: 1:1-5​

The Ascension: 1:6-11

Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas: 1:12-16

The Coming of the Holy Spirit: 2:1-13

Peter's Sermon at Pentecost: 2:14-41

The Fellowship of the Believers: 2:42-47

The Lame Beggar Healed: 3:1-10

Peter Speaks in Solomon's Portico: 3:11-26

Peter and John Before the Council: 4:1-22

The Believers Pray for Boldness: 4:23-31

They Had Everything in Common: 4:32-37

Ananias and Sapphira: 5:1-11

Many Signs and Wonders Done: 5:12-16

The Apostles Arrested and Freed: 5:17-42

Seven Chosen to Serve: 6:1-7

Stephen Is Seized: 6:8-15

Stephen's Speech: 7:1-21

Stephen's Speech: 7:22-53

The Stoning of Stephen: 7:54-60

Saul Ravages the Church: 8:1-3

Philip Proclaims Christ in Samaria: 8:4-8

Simon the Magician Believes: 8:9-25

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch: 8:26-40

The Conversion of Saul: 9:1-18

Saul Proclaims Jesus in Synagogues: 9:19-22

Saul Escapes from Damascus: 9:23-25

Saul in Jerusalem: 9:26-31

The Healing of Aeneas: 9:32-35

Dorcas Restored to Life: 9:36-43

Peter and Cornelius: 10:1-8

Peter's Vision: 10:9-33

Gentiles Hear the Good News: 10:34-43

The Holy Spirit Falls on the Gentiles: 10:44-48

Peter Reports to the Church: 11:1-18

The Church in Antioch: 11:19-30

James Killed and Peter Imprisoned: 12:1-5

Peter Is Rescued: 12:6-19

The Death of Herod: 12:20-25

Barnabas and Saul Sent Off: 13:1-3

Barnabas and Paul on Cyprus: 13:4-12

Paul and Barnabas in Antioch of Pisidia: 13:13-31

Paul and Barnabas in Antioch of Pisidia: 13:32-52

Saul and Barnabas at Iconium: 14:1-7

Paul and Barnabas at Lystra: 14:8-18

Paul Stoned at Lystra: 14:19-23

Paul and Barnabas Return to Antioch in Syria: 14:24-28

The Jerusalem Council: 15:1-21

The Council's Letter to Gentile Believers: 15:22-35

Paul and Barnabas Separate: 15:36-41

Timothy Joins Paul and Silas: 16:1-5

The Macedonian Call: 16:6-10

The Conversion of Lydia: 16:11-15

Paul and Silas in Prison: 16:16-24

The Philippian Jailer Converted: 16:25-40

Paul and Silas in Thessalonica: 17:1-9

Paul and Silas in Berea: 17:10-15

Paul in Athens: 17:16-21

Paul Addresses the Areopagus: 17:22-34

Paul in Corinth: 18:1-17

Paul Returns to Antioch: 18:18-23

Apollos Speaks Boldly in Ephesus: 18:24-28

Paul in Ephesus: 19:1-10

The Sons of Sceva: 19:11-20

A Riot at Ephesus: 19:21-41

Paul in Macedonia and Greece: 20:1-6

Eutychus Raised from the Dead: 20:7-16

Paul Speaks to the Ephesian Elders: 20:17-38

Paul Goes to Jerusalem: 21:1-16

Paul Visits James: 21:17-26

Paul Arrested in the Temple: 21:27-36

Paul Speaks to the People: 21:37-22:21

Paul and the Roman Tribune: 22:22-29

Paul Before the Council: 22:30-23:11

A Plot to Kill Paul: 23:12-22

Paul Sent to Felix the Governor: 23:23-35

Paul Before Felix at Caesarea: 24:1-21

Paul Kept in Custody: 24:22-27

Paul Appeals to Caesar: 25:1-12

Paul Before Agrippa and Bernice: 25:13-27

Paul's Defence Before Agrippa: 26:1-11

Paul Tells of His Conversion: 26:12-32

Paul Sails for Rome: 27:1-12

The Storm at Sea: 27:13-38

The Shipwreck: 27:39-44

Paul on Malta: 28:1-10

Paul Arrives in Rome: 28:11-16

Paul in Rome: 28:17-31







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