John | ISL-KJV Bible
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The Word Became Flesh: 1:1-18​












The Testimony of John the Baptist 1:19-28













Behold, the Lamb of God: 1:29-34

Jesus Calls the First Disciples: 1:35-42

Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael: 1:43-51

The Wedding at Cana: 2:1-12

Jesus Cleanses the Temple: 2:13-22

Jesus Knows What Is in Man: 2:23-25

Ye Must Be Born Again: 3:1-15

For God So Loved the World: 3:16-21

John the Baptist Exalts Christ: 3:22-36

Jesus and the Woman of Samaria: 4:1-27

Jesus and the Woman of Samaria: 4:28-45

Jesus Heals the Official's Son: 4:46-54

The Healing at tht Pool on Sabbath: 5:1-18

The Authority of the Son: 5:19-29

Witnesses to Jesus: 5:30-47

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand: 6:1-15

Jesus Walks on Water: 6:16-21

I Am the Bread of Life: 6:22-59

The Words of Eternal Life: 6:60-71

Jesus at the Feast of Booths: 7:1-24

Can This Be the Christ?: 7:25-31

Officers Sent to Arrest Jesus: 7:32-36

Rivers of Living Water: 7:37-39

Division Among the People: 7:40-53

A Woman Caught in Adultery: 8:1-11

I Am the Light of the World: 8:12-30

The Truth Will Set You Free: 8:31-38

You Are of Your Father the Devil: 8:39-47

Before Abraham Was, I AM: 8:48-59

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind: 9:1-17

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind: 9:18-41

I Am the Good Shepherd: 10:1-21

I and the Father Are One: 10:22-42

The Death of Lazarus: 11:1-16

I Am the Resurrection and the Life: 11:17-27

Jesus Weeps: 11:28-37

Jesus Raises Lazarus: 11:38-44

The Plot to Kill Jesus: 11:45-57

Mary Anoints Jesus at Bethany: 12:1-8

The Plot to Kill Lazarus: 12:9-11

The Triumphal Entry: 12:12-19

Some Greeks Seek Jesus: 12:20-26

The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up: 12:27-35

The Unbelief of the People: 12:36-43

Jesus Came to Save the World: 12:44-50

Jesus Washes the Disciple's Feet: 13:1-20

One of You Will Betray Me: 13:21-30

A New Commandment: 13:31-35

Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial: 13:36-38

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: 14:1-14

Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit: 14:15-31

I Am the True Vine: 15:1-17

The Hatred of the World: 15:18-16:3

The Work of the Holy Spirit: 16:4-15

Your Sorrow Will Turn into Joy: 16:16-24

I Have Overcome the World: 16:25-33

The High Priestly Prayer: 17:1-26

Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus: 18:1-11

Jesus Faces Annas and Caiaphas: 18:12-14

Peter Denies Jesus: 18:15-18

The High Priest Questions Jesus: 8:19-24

Peter Denies Jesus Again: 18:25-27

Jesus Before Pilate: 18:28-32

My Kingdom Is Not of This World: 18:33-40

Jesus Delivered to Be Crucified: 19:1-15

The Crucifixion: 19:16-27

The Death of Jesus: 19:28-30

Jesus' Side Is Pierced: 19:31-37

Jesus Is Buried: 19:38-42

The Resurrection: 20:1-10

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene: 20:11-18

Jesus Appears to the Disciples: 20:19-23

Jesus and Thomas: 20:24-29

The Purpose of This Book: 20:30-31

Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples: 21:1-14

Jesus and Peter: 21:15-19

Jesus and the Beloved Apostle: 21:20-25




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